Introducing Taranis Physiotherapy, an active approach to care.

At Taranis, we understand that 6-8 weeks of rest isn’t the best answer to rehab. Let’s keep you as engaged in your activity as possible, while targeting muscle imbalances and reducing pain.

Our approach

Treatment plans will include a mixture of manual therapy, dry needling, and other hands on approaches, but a big part of the rehabilitation journey will rely on the patient being willing to engage in rehab and corrective exercises.

Our services

  • Initial Assessment

  • Follow up

  • Concussion/ Vestibular Assessment

  • ICBC Rehab

Katie has completed an advanced practice fellowship with the Canadian Academy of Manual and Manipulative Therapists (FCAMPT) and has taken courses that have added functional dry needling (IMS), mobilization with movement, concussion and vestibular therapy, as well as temporomandibular disorder therapy to her treatment modalities.

Meet the Owner

Get started with Taranis, today.